Class of 1966 - Richland High School
Welcome alums, fomer students, family and friends to the Richland High School, Fort Worth, Texas Rebel Class of 1966 web site.
Tommy Clemons - RHS '66 Class President reports:
A GREAT time by all at our 45th Reunion ! ! !
We had a great time October 15, 2011 at BIG Barn BBQ for our RHS '66 45th reunion.
Our gathering Saturday night started at 5:30 pm. We did lots of visiting, had some cool drinks, ate a little BBQ. When the band swung into full amp. at 7:30, we were back and
forth from the patio to inside continuing conversations and cheering the Rangers to a rousing blow away victory against Detroit.The weather was beautiful with just enough breeze to keep our blue, gray & red balloons moving to the sound of the conversations, music and occasional dancing. The food, beverage and accommodations provided by BIG Barn BBQ with support from GM Patty Hanson was superb. We had about 60 including good friends from ’65, ’67 and supporting spouses.
Thanks to the many who made the event possible:
Thanks to Sonny Hubbard for finding Big Barn and getting the casual gatherings started there 2 years back. More thanks to Suzi Self for making welcome signs; Nita, Marsha, Michele, Donna, Gail, Laura, Barb, Peggy, Diana, Deborah and whomever I missed for help at the welcome desk and hanging up balloons – Fred, Gary and Nita. Gail Webster for brining yearbooks for those brave enough to look at those great, old pictures.
Ed Rogers for capturing so many photos. Marv and yours truly for signs and balloons.
Many thanks for organizing additional events:
Roxy Pace Seligman, Class VP, who dedicated long distance advance energy in making many calls & sending email, then organizing a Saturday lunch with lots of help from Michele LaBate Cotton and post reunion slumber party.
Lunch attendees were:
Margaret Atherton Coleman, Julie Lowry, Laura Dreskin Bradford, Cindy Jennings Jacobson, Nancy Dodson Jarrell, Diana McCoy Perry, Deborah Whaley Hawkins, Patsy Kirk, Peggy Wageneck & her sister, Gail Webster, Gayla Vogt Chesney, Donna Denney Tynan, Marsha Roberts, Moore, Michele LaBate Cotton, Roxy Pace Seligman & mom, Tommy Clemons & mom.
Seems the “details” of the slumber party will be kept a mystery, sort of like what happens at the Comfort Suites in NRH stays at the Comfort Suites, but I was able to get this much from Roxy & Donny Denney. “A good time was had by all” ….. gals that stayed 1 or 2 nights and guys that were allowed to visit after our 45th party on
Saturday night. The die hard partiers closed the night with breakfast the next morning at Denney’s.
Continued annual get together in October at BBBBQ:
As much fun as the day was….it would have been even better with greater attendance.
2016 will be our 50th. We will go all out for our 50th!!!! We will continue an annual get together in October at BBBBQ. If you are not receiving emails, I need your updated email address and phone number please. Great to have you all there and thanks again for your help and support.
Best Regards to All,
Reunion attendance 15 October, 2011
Class of ’66:
Fred & Brenda Ballinger
Larna Joyce Boyd
Cindy Burford Fulmer & Doug
Ed Cate
Ron Clark
Tommy Clemons
Danny & Wanda Copeland
Mike & Theresa Crenshaw
Donna Denney Tynan
Nancy Dodson Jarrell
Marv Domke
Laura Dreskin Bradford
Barb Rhine Drosihn
Jean Estill
Shirley Heald
Suzi Henson Self
Sonny Hubbard
Steve Huff
Robert Jenkins
Cindy Jennings Jacobson
Patsy Kinnaird Kirk & Gary Kirk
Michele LaBate Cotton
Billy Martin
Neal McCombs
Diana McCoy Perry
Randy & Cosy McLemore
Jim & Judy Morrison
Don Nikirk
Roxy Pace Seligman
Doug Parker
Mike Parrent
Stephen & Kris Randles
Marsha Roberts Moore
Nita Robinson Rios
Ed Rogers
Gary Sweatt
Pat & Sandra Thompson
Gayla Vogt Chesney
Peggy Wageneck
Gail Webster
Deborah Whaley Hawkins
James Williams
Susie Williams
Class of ’65:
Robert Anderson
DelRay Dearing
Sue Ray Hammond
Gary Kirk
Charles Yates
Class of ’67:
Mary Haltom
Glenda Galey Adams
Class of ’88:
Toni Rios
Notes from classmates who missed being able to join us for our recent 45th reunion.
Marilyn St. Clair:
Hi, Rebels
I, too, had to miss the event. I had a college conference to attend out of town and couldn’t get out of it. It is hard to believe it has been 45 years, much less 5 years ago that we had the great reunion party in Grapevine. I appreciate receiving all the emails keeping all of us up to date. I hope to be able to attend the next function.
Karen Gray:
Hi, Rebels!
It's such a disappointment to have missed this event. I was definitely planning to attend until my nephew decided to get married that weekend -- a date chosen to honor his bride's late grandmother (it was her birthday) -- and felt obliged to attend.
Can't wait until the next opportunity!
Best to all --
Sharon Smith Keith:
Please pass on this message that I am so sorry to have missed the big bash and hope to catch the next one. Keep me posted.
Celeste Cusenbary Gerber:
Thanks so much for sharing the info about the good times and the photo album! We had to miss it due to family stuff going on, but it is great to see there was such a good turn out. Hopefully next time we will get there!
I appreciate your efforts to keep us all posted about what is going on. Thank you!
Don't get lost!
Please help us keep RHS '66 alumni contact information current. Please submit updates to Alice Lambert Haney at
Come back soon and tell others. Thanks again, Your RHS Class of '66 web site staff.
More Richland High School:
BISD History - Birdville Independent School District
Wikipedia - about Richland High School, Texas