Class of 1966 - Richland High School
Welcome alums, former students, family and friends to the Richland High School,
Fort Worth, Texas Rebel Class of 1966 web site. View photos from reunions and
our Rebel past. View and contribute to our message board. Be a friend of
"Richland Rebel" on facebook. All past and present school icons are identified
as spirit symbols only, representing RHS heritage and nothing more.
RHS October 16-18, 2015 '62 -'69
Multi-year Reunion hosted by RHS
Class of '66
RHS 60’s Reunion Summary from Tommy Clemons:
Thanks to all who participated in our RHS 60’s reunion activities of October 16-18.
Our honored faculty guest attending Friday and/or Saturday included
Carlene Fisher King, Jo Denton, Carol Earney, Minerva Kimbell, Bette Nolen,
Lynda Hamilton, Mrs. Shirley Hosier Rose, Marsha and Tom Murray,
Wanda and Jerry Sessions, Dub Stewart & his son, and Bob Prince. We missed
you Coach Welch. See you next year on the dance floor ! ! !
Friday, October 16, 2015
Friday Lunch:
Roxy Pace arranged a meeting with Richland Jr High Choir Director and
former choir members. Mrs. Shirley Hosier Rose was the focus of the lunch.
She joined us at the Iron Horse social to hear one of her many accomplished
former choir and music students, Gary Morris.
Golf at Iron Horse Golf Course:
44 played golf with the 11 foursomes playing & divided by BLUE and GREY
TEAMS with the BLUE team prevailing in a tight match play competition.
Thanks to Jim Perkins for leading the every aspect of the tournament and
providing the good looking Richland Rebel caps to the winning teams.
Friday Social:
What a pleasure this evening turned out to be following golf - 127 came together
at the Iron Horse party pavilion for our social, highlighted by the singing of
Gary Morris, Class of ’67 distinguished alumni. Gary started with a beautiful,
rich version of Dixie and ended with the same with many of his hits in between.
What a treat that was as part of an evening with lots of time to visit and
reconnect over good food & beverage. As Roxy said, Gary Morris was just the best!
His songs brought a lot of us home, to the values and customs, patriotic feeling
and more that are unique to our generation. Thanks Gary for such a special evening.
Saturday, October 17, 2015
Girlfriends Lunch at Niki's Italian Bistro:
Roxy Pace Seligman and Michele LaBate Cotton hosted and report the gathering was
a big hit. I have no idea what happened there. Just girlfriends being girlfriends,
sort of like golfers with other golfers, but I’m sure it was prettier and smelled
divine. Of course girls were invited to play golf and we were glad to have Sharon
Smith Keith’s sister, Denese Smith Gibbs. The golfers are truly a liberated group.
2015 Reunion Multi-year Party at Texas Star Conference Centre:
Saturday evening brought 146 of us together at the Texas Star for an evening to
recognize numerous faculty and spouses, our vets and celebrate the lives of
deceased alums. We enjoyed a video highlighting the Greater Richland Hills area
including our amazing 1960 Little World Series finalist who appeared on ABC
Wide World of Sports on their path to defeating 11 teams including the teams
representing Canada and Mexico. Team members included star pitchers James
“Smiley” Williams, ‘66 and Ronnie Reynolds, ’65; along with Billy Roberson,
Danny Hutton, Mike Carmean, Ronny Hopton-Jones anf Ray Hebert, all from ’65.
We enjoyed 60’s music and continued our visiting till the wee hours of 10:30 pm.
Way past some of our bedtimes.
Girl's Slumber Party at the Comfort Suites near Northeast Mall:
Saturday night or was it Sunday morning? The slumber party, organized by Roxy,
was mostly for girls only, but I was a welcome guest until about 2:30 a.m. when
I was sent home after more fun, food & fellowship.
Sunday, October 18, 2015
Happy Trails Breakfast at Bacon’s Restaurant:
A few of us diehards met for breakfast Sunday morning, enjoyed more good
food and talked about plans to do this all again and even better in 2016
as part of our 50th reunion celebration.
Thank You
Thank you to the many volunteers who made the reunion weekend possible.
Rocky Adams – treasurer
Marv Domke – web master
Roxy Pace Seligman and Michele LaBate Cotton – lunches, HQ hotel slumber
party and breakfast organizers
Jim Perkins – golf tournament director
James Williams – entertainment director (he got Gary to come ! ! !)
Susie Williams Fitzgerald – video production and photographer
Nancy Carter Larmer – decorations and registrations
Ed Rogers – faculty liaison and transportation and photographer
Gayla Vogt Chesney, Michele LaBate Cotton, Marsha Roberts Moore,
Gail Webster Ford, Margaret Atherton, Donna Denney Tynan
– decorations and registration
Suzanne Henson Self – balloon transportation
Sonny Hubbard – class of ’66 panorama banner and phonathon
Cheryl Zelt Gray – class of ’65 panorama banner
Robert Jenkins, Marv Domke, Gary Sweatt, Mike Crenshaw,
Gay Foster Ingram and Sherry Oswald McClure – phonathon
Class Coordinators:
John Estill, ’62,’63
Ed Reeder and Olivia Lambert Gann, ‘64
Sandra Cunningham Davis, ’65 and facility selection
Janice Leach Gilliland, ’67
Tim and Liza Williams McClendon, Gloria Randles, ‘68
Doug Pace, ’69
Karol Keith Blaylock, ’67 – providing pictures from yearbooks
aiding in name badge production
Last but not least, thanks to my spouse, Bonnie, for her patience and
support as I disappeared upstairs night after night, week after week
to communicate, plan, then travel to DFW for our reunion. My pleasure
and privilege to lead your reunion weekend.
Good times are not forgotten ! ! !
See you in 2016!!!
Tommy Clemons
73 Attend the RHS Rebel Class of '66 2014
"GLAD TO BE HERE" Reunion!
What an outstanding reunion party! All enjoyed the gathering (but never enough visitation time) with 73 long-standing friends and colleagues.
Thank You Tommy Clemons for organizing our RHS Rebel Class of '66 2014
"GLAD TO BE HERE" 48th Reunion.
Thank You Smiley Williams and Campo Verde for the great food, drink and venue.
Thank You Dee Hardin and Jim Perkins for creating our 48th reunion golf tour event.
Thank You Roxy Pace Seligman for establishing accommodations for the overnighters
and hosting the late night celebrants.
Thank You Ed Rogers for your many photos.
Thank You Susie Williams Fitzgerald for creating the online movie:
"1966 RHS 48th Reunion @ Campo Verde, Arlington, Oct 4, 2014".
and Thank You to You and All who attended and contributed to the success . . . .
READ MORE about our RHS 48th, 47th , 46th and 45th Reunions.
Richland Rebel wants you as a friend on Facebook
Connect with Richland Rebel on Facebook. Richland Rebel is our virtual RHS 1966
distinguished alumni Facebook member. Richland Rebel represented Richland High
School in Fort Worth, Texas as Mascot and Icon beginning in 1961. Political
correctness terminated Richland Rebel's RHS representation a few years ago.
Richland Rebel identifies all past and present school icons as spirit symbols only,
representing RHS heritage and nothing more. Today, Richland Rebel is archived
in the memory of former students as "old times there are not forgotten".
Don't get lost!
Please help us keep RHS '66 alumni contact information current. Please submit updates to Alice Lambert Haney at
Come back soon and tell others. Thanks again, Your RHS Class of '66 web site staff.
More Richland High School:
BISD History - Birdville Independent School District
Wikipedia - about Richland High School, Texas